Reflection 9: Gamification and Game-Based Learning

This week my EdTech Class had Heidi James come into our virtual classroom to discuss gaming in education. We started the discussion by discussing our own experience with gaming in education. The class often had experiences in primary where the focus was often focused on speed in typing. Many of the games that me and my peers discussed had a common thread of games being timed and how for us as elementary students at the time that caused some stress and discomfort for us.

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Reflection 5: Collaboration and Communication

Image of a cafe and people meeting

As I went about contemplating the topic for my EdTech reflection post this week I found myself going through the steps that I go through each week. That is, I went to my handy Trello Board to look for ideas and inspiration. Then it hit me to create a post about collaboration and communication, and how I have been able to achieve these through programs such as Trello, Mattermost, Zoom and Google Docs.

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