Reflection 1: Creating a Blog

Creating this blog has been both an adventure as well as a steep learning curve. In the past I have had some anxiety surrounding new technological adventures such as this, however after following the steps provided, I was able to accomplish the task with little to no issues.

After the blog was made, I was lucky enough to have help in learning the ins and outs of using WordPress. Now I feel rather confident in navigating this new world of blogging and find myself thinking ahead to posts that I am excited to make. I enjoy working with the design elements and creating a space that is organized, pleasing to look at and most importantly informative.

Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

2 Replies to “Reflection 1: Creating a Blog”

  1. Your passion for the design elements shows, your blog looks fantastic. I also second the steep learning curve we’re on, I’m excited to journey alongside you!

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