Planting A Spring Garden

This weekend, I was able to get outside and help my mom with planting her spring garden!

All the hard work I shared in the post From Knitting Stitches To Sewing Seeds  of plans for a spring garden is being put to use. In this post I discussed some of the resources I used to figure out what seeds to order and where to plant everything. Well the seeds have arrived and the garden boxes were ready, so my mom, the dogs and I got planting in her garden.

Image by Kate Barnes licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

We started with the listed seeds below that were able to be planted directly into the ground in early spring. Because there was still a small chance for cold overnight weather, we decided to leave one of the garden boxes empty to plant our mid-spring seeds once the chance of frost had fully past.

In our garden box we planted:

      • Lettuce
      • Spinach
      • Arugula
      • Swiss Chard
      • Golden Beets
      • Radishes
      • Corn Flowers
      • Potatoes

Knitting Update

Although this post is not my usual knitting free inquiry post, I have started to realize that my free inquiry has been more about creating time to prioritize myself and the hobbies I do. This week I also continued knitting along on my cardigan. I am getting close to starting the sleeve. I decided instead of a progress shot of my sweater (which honestly looks like a lot of fabric at the moment), I would share one of the other hobbies that is allowing me to have more balance in my life and allowing me to get outside and away from the zoom calls and computer work. I am starting to realize that my free inquiry is less about knitting my cardigan, but rather about creating time for myself and finding balance within my life between hobbies and work.

Feature Image by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

One Reply to “Planting A Spring Garden”

  1. I’m so excited for you to have a bounty of food once these start to grow! I don’t have a place where I am able to garden right now (aside from a few pots of herbs in my kitchen) but I look forward to doing it one day.

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